Course Glossary

This shows the specialized terms used in EarthWise Academy. This section contains all the definitions used in the various course glossaries used by each course.

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Entries starting with: L

Levels for Reduced TTHM/HAA5 Monitoring

040 mg/L and .030 mg/L for TTHM and HAA5, respectively for all water systems except small GW systems.

  • (DBP02) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting – Job Aids (1283)
  • (DBP10) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for Chlorine⁄Chloramines (1284)
  • (DBP13) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for TTHM⁄HAA5 (1285)


CaCO3 or CaO - Quick lime.


  1. LSLs - Lead Service Lines
    • (LCR10) Lead and Copper Rule – Basics (1423)
    • (LCR11) LCR – Initial Planning, Monitoring and Reporting (1488)
    • (LCR13) LCR Planning Tools for NTNCWS (2537)
  2. A service line made of lead that connects a water main to a building inlet. Also includes lead pigtails, goosenecks or other fittings when connected to a service line made of lead.
  • (LCR12) LCR Planning Tools for CWS (2536)

Entries starting with: M

M Sample

Sample collected from the location in the distribution system with the maximum residence time.

  • (DBP02) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting – Job Aids (1283)
  • (DBP10) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for Chlorine⁄Chloramines (1284)
  • (DBP13) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for TTHM⁄HAA5 (1285)
  • (DBP14) DBP Rule Violations for Pa. PWSs using Chorine⁄Chloramines (1825)
  • (DBP15) DBP Rule – Maintaining Compliance for Pa. PWSs using Chlorine/Chloramines (1570)



M/DBP – Microbial/Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproduct

  • (DBP02) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting – Job Aids (1283)(
  • DBP10) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for Chlorine⁄Chloramines (1284)
  • (DBP13) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for TTHM⁄HAA5 (1285)


Monitoring and Reporting

  • (DBP01) DBP Rule – Overview (1282)
  • (DBP02) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting – Job Aids (1283)
  • (DBP10) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for Chlorine⁄Chloramines (1284)
  • (DBP13) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for TTHM⁄HAA5 (1285)
  • (DBP14) DBP Rule Violations for Pa. PWSs using Chorine⁄Chloramines (1825)
  • (DBP15) DBP Rule – Maintaining Compliance for Pa. PWSs using Chlorine/Chloramines (1570)

Mandatory Health Effects Language

Specific health effects language required for primary MCL or MRDL violation, treatment technique violations and violation of the condition of a variance or exemption.

  • (PNR10) Public Notification – An Introduction for NCWSs (2332)
  • (PNR11) Public Notification – Violations and Tiers for NCWSs (2333)

Maximum Contaminant Level

  1. Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)
    • (CCR01)Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Overview (2338)
    • (DBP01) DBP Rule – Overview (1282)
    • (DBP02) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting – Job Aids (1283)
    • (DBP10) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for Chlorine⁄Chloramines (1284)
    • (DBP13) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for TTHM⁄HAA5 (1285)
    • (DBP14) DBP Rule Violations for Pa. PWSs using Chorine⁄Chloramines (1825)
    • (DBP15) DBP Rule – Maintaining Compliance for Pa. PWSs using Chlorine/Chloramines (1570)
    • (DBP20) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for PWSs Using Chlorine Dioxide (1278)
    • (DBP30) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting Requirements for PWSs Using Ozone (1279)
    • (DBP40) Enhanced Coagulation – Basics (1280)
    • (LCR11) LCR – Initial Planning, Monitoring and Reporting (1488)
    • (PNR01) Public Notification – An Introduction for NCWSs (2332)
    • (RAD01) Radionuclide Rule – Initial Monitoring and Reporting (1503)
  2. The highest amount of a contaminant that the EPA allows which helps ensure that drinking water does not pose either a short-term or long-term health risk. Unless otherwise specified, MCLs are defined in milligrams per liter (parts per million).
    • (LCR10) Lead and Copper Rule — Basics (1423)
    • (TCR01) Total Coliform Rule – Overview (1424)
    • (TCR02) Total Coliform Rule – Monitoring And Reporting Requirements (1425)
    • (TCR03) Total Coliform Rule – Maintaining Compliance (1426)

Maximum Contaminant Level Goal

Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG)

The level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety.

  • (CCR01)Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Overview (2338)

Maximum Residence

That area of the distribution system where the water has the longest standing time and the longest contact time with a chemical disinfectant.

diagram of a water system

  • (DBP01) DBP Rule – Overview (1282)
  • (DBP02) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting – Job Aids (1283)
  • (DBP10) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for Chlorine⁄Chloramines (1284)
  • (DBP13) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for TTHM⁄HAA5 (1285)
  • (DBP15) DBP Rule – Maintaining Compliance for Pa. PWSs using Chlorine/Chloramines (1570)
  • (DBP30) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting Requirements for PWSs Using Ozone (1279)
  • (DBP40) Enhanced Coagulation – Basics (1280)
  • (LCR10) Lead and Copper Rule – Basics (1423)
  • (LCR11) LCR – Initial Planning, Monitoring and Reporting (1488)
  • (TCR01) Total Coliform Rule – Overview (1424)
  • (TCR02) Total Coliform Rule – Monitoring And Reporting Requirements (1425)
  • (TCR03) Total Coliform Rule – Maintaining Compliance (1426)

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