Course Glossary
This shows the specialized terms used in EarthWise Academy. This section contains all the definitions used in the various course glossaries used by each course.
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DODO - Dissolved Oxygien
Double Layer CompressionIn the double layer compression mechanism large quantities of a salt that has no charge (neutral) are added. The salt works by compressing the double layer around the colloid. When the outer layer is compressed, the repulsive energy barrier around the colloid is reduced or eliminated. This allows the particles to combine.
Exceptional Quality BiosolidsBiosolids that meet stricter pollutant and pathogen reduction criteria.
Facultative BacteriaBacteria that can use either dissolved oxygen or chemically derived oxygen (from nitrate, sulfate or carbonate) for respiration and use organic materials for energy and growth. In other words, facultative heterotrophs can live under aerobic, anoxic or anaerobic conditions.
FiltrateLiquid derived from the dewatering of sludge.
Finished WaterWater that has been treated and is ready to be delivered to customers.
FlocMasses of non-settleable microorganisms and particles that come together to form progressively larger, heavier particles. |
Flow RateRate of wastewater flow through a wastewater treatment facility, typically measured in million gallons per day (MGD).
ForageHerbage that is available and acceptable to grazing animals.
General PermitA statewide permit issued by the Department for a specific category of beneficial use, such as the beneficial use of biosolids, that a person or municipality that obtains a determination of applicability to operate under the permit if the terms and conditions of the permit and certain requirements are met