Course Glossary
This shows the specialized terms used in EarthWise Academy. This section contains all the definitions used in the various course glossaries used by each course.
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Alternative Compliance CriteriaAlternative Compliance Criteria (ACC)—
Alternative criteria that can be used to achieve either monthly or annual compliance with the enhanced coagulation requirements of the DBP Rule. |
BasicityThe concentration of OH- ions in a solution, measured as pH or, alternatively, pOH. A solution is basic if it has a pH higher than 7.0 or a pH lower than 7.0.
Booster ChlorinationWater is treated with an additional boost of chlorine from within the distribution system.
Bottled Water SystemA public water system that provides water for bottling in sealed bottles or other sealed containers. The term includes, but is not limited to, the sources of water and treatment, storage, bottling, manufacturing and distribution facilities. The term does not include a public water system that provides only a source of water supply for a bottled water system and excludes an entity providing only transportation, distribution or sale of bottled water in sealed bottles or other sealed containers.
Bottled, Vended, Retail, & Bulk-delivered Water SystemsBottled, Vended, Retail, & Bulk-delivered Water Systems – (BVRB)
Buffering CapacityThe ability of a solution to neutralize acids without a significant change in pH. Buffering capacity is also known as alkalinity and is measured in mg/L of equivalent CaCO3, a common buffer. |
Bulk Water-Hauling SystemA public water system that provides water piped into a carrier vehicle and withdrawn by a similar means into the user's storage facility or vessel. The term includes, but is not limited to, the source of water, treatment, storage or distribution facilities. The term does not include a public water system that provides only a source of water supply for a bulk water hauling system.
BVRBBVRB - Bottled, Vended, Retail, & Bulk-delivered water systems