Course Glossary

This shows the specialized terms used in EarthWise Academy. This section contains all the definitions used in the various course glossaries used by each course.

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Entries starting with: M


The conversion of an element from an organic form to an inorganic state as a result of microbial activity.

Mineralization Illustration

Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids

Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS)

The concentration of suspended solids (both organic and inorganic) in the mixed liquor of an aeration tank. MLSS is used as a measure of the concentration of microorganisms present.

  • (BNR02) Nitrification Factors – Suspended Growth Treatment Systems (1821)

Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS)

The concentration of suspended solids (both organic and inorganic) in the mixed liquor of an aeration tank. MLSS is used as a measure of the concentration of microorganisms present.

  • (BNR02) Nitrification Factors – Suspended Growth Treatment Systems (1821)


MLSS – Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids

The concentration of suspended solids (both organic and inorganic) in the mixed liquor of an aeration tank. MLSS is used as a measure of the concentration of microorganisms present.

MLSS – Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS)

The concentration of suspended solids (both organic and inorganic) in the mixed liquor of an aeration tank. MLSS is used as a measure of the concentration of microorganisms present.

  • (BNR02) Nitrification Factors – Suspended Growth Treatment Systems (1821)

Monitoring and Reporting Violation

Any violation incurred for failing to monitor and/or report for a regulated parameter specified by the Pa. DEP.

  • (PNR01) Public Notification – An Introduction for NCWSs (2332)
  • (PNR11) Public Notification – Violations and Tiers for NCWSs (2333)

Monitoring Period

The time frame, generally in months, quarters, or years, during which water samples must be collected and tested in accordance with Pa Safe Drinking Water Regulations to determine compliance with applicable MCLs, MRDLs, or treatment techniques

  • (TCR01) Total Coliform Rule – Overview (1424)
  • (TCR02) Total Coliform Rule – Monitoring And Reporting Requirements (1425)
  • (TCR03) Total Coliform Rule – Maintaining Compliance (1426)


  1. Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level
    • (DBP01) DBP Rule – Overview (1282)
    • (DBP14) DBP Rule Violations for Pa. PWSs using Chorine⁄Chloramines (1825)
    • (DBP15) DBP Rule – Maintaining Compliance for Pa. PWSs using Chlorine/Chloramines (1570)
    • (DBP30) DBP Rule – Monitoring and Reporting Requirements for PWSs Using Ozone (1279)
    • (PNR01) Public Notification – An Introduction for NCWSs (2332)
  2. The maximum permissible level of a disinfectant added for water treatment that may not be exceeded at the consumer's tap without an unacceptable possibility of adverse health effects.
    • (BIO02) Biosolids Agronomic Loading Rates Part 2 – Manure (1484)
    • (CCR01)Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Overview (2338)
    • (DBP02) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting – Job Aids (1283)
    • (DBP13) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for TTHM⁄HAA5 (1285)
    • (DBP14) DBP Rule Violations for Pa. PWSs using Chorine⁄Chloramines (1825)
    • (DBP15) DBP Rule – Maintaining Compliance for Pa. PWSs using Chlorine/Chloramines (1570)
    • (DBP20) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for PWSs Using Chlorine Dioxide (1278)


MRDLG – Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal

The unenforceable maximum level of disinfectant added for water treatment for which there is no known risk to human health.

  • (CCR01)Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) Overview (2338)


Multiple Service Connection

This refers to the condition where a PWS serves many individual buildings (connections), i.e., homes or businesses that use public water.

graphic showing difference between single service connection and multiple service connection

  • (TCR01) Total Coliform Rule – Overview (1424)
  • (TCR02) Total Coliform Rule – Monitoring And Reporting Requirements (1425)
  • (TCR03) Total Coliform Rule – Maintaining Compliance (1426)

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