Course Glossary

This shows the specialized terms used in EarthWise Academy. This section contains all the definitions used in the various course glossaries used by each course.

Browse the glossary using this index

Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL

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Entries starting with: N


  1. NTNCWS – Nontransient Noncommunity Water System
    • (DBP01) DBP Rule – Overview (1282)
    • (DBP02) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting – Job Aids (1283)
    • (DBP10) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for Chlorine⁄Chloramines (1284)
    • (DBP13) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting for TTHM⁄HAA5 (1285)
    • (DBP30) DBP Rule Monitoring and Reporting Requirements for PWSs Using Ozone (1279)
    • (TCR02) Total Coliform Rule – Monitoring And Reporting Requirements (1425)
    • (TCR03) Total Coliform Rule – Maintaining Compliance (1426)
  2. A noncommunity water system that regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons over 6 months per year.
    • (LCR10) Lead and Copper Rule – Basics (1423)
    • (LCR11) LCR – Initial Planning, Monitoring and Reporting (1488)


A central mass about which other matter collects; a starting point for growth or development.

  • (COA01) Coagulation – Part 1: The Chemistry of Coagulation (1248)
  • (COA02) Coagulation – Part 2: Coagulation Chemicals (1249)

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